Plot by Zamfara state All Progressive Candidate (APC), Mukhtar Shehu Idris (Koguna) to seal a marriage deal with the daughter of the state's Resident Electoral Commissioner (REC), Dr. Asma'u Sani Maikudi as condition of manipulating the forthcoming Gubernatorial election in the state in favour of APC has been uncovered.
The marriage deal, according to highly placed source was brokered by the state Governor, Abdulaziz Yari who had become desparate to ensure that Koguna succeed him at all cost.
The source, who is top APC chieftain in Zamfara said alreday an undisclosed sum of money had been paid as dowry for the 38-year REC's daughter, while the wedding proper would be delayed until after the emergence of Koguna as the state governor.
According to the source: "The whole arrangement is made for the mutual benefits of both the REC and Koguna in the fashion of scratch my back I scratch your back.
"The REC will ensure that the election is maniupated to favour Koguna, while he in turn will get married to the REC's daughter that share same name Asamau, who is embarassingly getting older without a husband, immidiately after he is sworn in.
"Already a dowry had been made with the promise that the lady after the marriage will be made the First Lady of Zamfara state."
Title :
Zamfara APC Guber Candidate In Marriage Deal With State's REC
Description : Plot by Zamfara state All Progressive Candidate (APC), Mukhtar Shehu Idris (Koguna) to seal a marriage deal with the daughter of the s...
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