While approving comments early this morning, I saw this reply to one of the comments on the story about Muma Gee and her husband Prince Ekei and it reads:
"I have children for a bum. I have to take the role of father and mother. Those children need to be fed, sheltered, etc. If their father won't do it...who will?"
Well, this is one of the reasons I usually tell couples to try and keep their issues off media. Never for once think you are the only one having marital issues, yours could even be small compared to what others are contending with. Once you bring the media into your marriage, it only gets worse.
Some of these challenges are due to the fact that some marriages today are like contract where people go in to get "something" and not to build a family, which is the actually purpose of marriage.
It is sincere love, devoid of pride, arrogance and selfish agendas that builds a marriage. The truth!