Despite his plea to well-meaning Nigerians to come to his rescue, legendary actor, Tunde Alabi, who has been battling an ailment at the Lagos General Hospital, got his leg amputated.
His right leg was reportedly amputated on Thursday. Recall that the ‘Village Headmaster’ actor, had been battling diabetes with no treatment because of lack of money and had been lying critically ill.
Paul Julius who confirmed the news wrote:
'So sad! Our Veteran Actor's foot finally AMPUTATED.....I've laboured through thick and thin to save the life of Uncle Tunde....assisted vigorously by the indefatigable Chairman of Actors Guild of Nigeria, Lagos State Chapter, Mr. DON PEDRO AGANBI and through the contributions of a few spirited colleagues and fans, we were only able to manage to keep him alive but not with his full body as our once vibrant UNCLE TUNDE ALABI loses his right foot today at General Hospital, Lagos to Diabetes Mellitus. Now he's faced with another battle for survival.....Expensive drugs required to heal the amputated home to return, no money to afford one as his ailment has suck up his entire finances. We have done our best... ...What would you rather do to assist him....just put something in his account no matter how small and the Lord will reward you abundantly. Thank you.
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