Its the C-In-C Lyrical4ces again! OGA SIR the former Commissioner of
Streetz & Creekz hooks up with "Person exBoyfriend" a.k.a O'GIVER
the Nigerian international Ghana based Producer / Rapper who cooked this
Azonto Beat up in IdiokAboys Kitchen - HitFak3.
Just before the Video of Oga's last Single PUFF PUFF PASS featuring
ZILLIONS & SPARKXZ is premiered officially, he releases this Rap
Dance Track to complement the Season. As we Party hard and drink
responsibly, if I get high mehn! tell the next Guy to SHACK UP.
Twitter: @iamOgaSir @iamOgiveR
Title :
@NAIJAMUSICCITY MUSIC: Oga Sir ~ SHACK UP (O'giveR On The Beat) | @iamOgaSir @iamOgiveR
Description : Its the C-In-C Lyrical4ces again! OGA SIR the former Commissioner of Streetz & Creekz hooks up with "Person exBoyfriend" a....
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